Saturday, October 21, 2017

Annual Christmas Fundraiser

The Oxford County Mineral and Gem Association, Inc. will
have their annual fundraising auction at the November 3, 2017
at the Oxford Hills Middle School Library, 100 Pine Street,
South Paris, Maine starting at 7 pm. All proceeds will benefit
programs in the area that provide Christmas presents for kids in
the Bethel and Paris areas.
All attendees are encouraged to donate minerals, rocks, and
gems specimen and related items. If you donate something you
think is worth more than a few bucks, put a minimum bid
amount on the identification tag. The auction is open to all Rock
This year for the auction we will be using the tried and true
method of numbers on paper plates. Anytime before the action
starts, please sign up with Tom Hoffelder for a number or you
won’t be able to bid.
So come and enjoy. Take home a specimen and make a donation
to the Christmas Fund.
Contributions to the Refreshments Table is Appreciated

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