Saturday, November 28, 2015

December's meeting

This months meeting will be on Dec. 4th and will feature our annual yankee gift swap. Please bring a gift and maybe a sweet treat to share if you plan on attending. If you haven't been to our new meeting place,(OXFORD HILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL) please, please come check it out. Its just up the road from the High School and is very quiet, unlike the High School with their activities just outside the door of our meeting room.
We're still looking for a new fieldtrip chairperson, if anyone is interested please let Ken know. I got plenty of help when I did it as well as did Dwight. Whoever wants to do it will get plenty of help also. Its a fun way to learn about just how many quarries there really are out there in the woods of maine and what came out of these quarries. And still coming out!!


Unknown said...

Annual Dinner is Saturday, January 9, 2016 at the Union Church in Locke's Mills. This is Route 26 in Greenwood. Meeting at noon. Food at 1:00. Mineral of the Month is anything you want to show off. Program will be Bob Elliot's presentation on the impact of Glaciers on Oxford County. We all love ice ages. No glaciers No exposed pegmatites. See you there.

Drew Watts said...

Hope your meeting was successful. It is my responsibility of arranging this month’s meeting so I am looking for lovely meeting space San Francisco. I have already searched online and got to know about few awesome spaces so planning to book nice one soon.