Friday, December 16, 2016

January's meeting

This month is our annual Christmas dinner. It'll be held  12 Noon Saturday, January 14, 2017 at the Lock Mills Church in Greenwood, Me. The dinner I'm told, will be various casseroles. There will be a guest speaker and the election of officers. A couple tidbits of info though,

 1st. The dinner is free but seating is limited to 40 people.
 2nd. Since no one wants to be president we will pick someone at the meeting to be president.
 3rd. Dues are due. So that we have everyone's updated info, please fill out an application form this year

If interested in attending contact Dennis Gross by December 28 .
 Phone Number: 665-2759 email,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nicely done Toby. Just pick a name out of a hat!